Thursday, December 28, 2006

Preconstruction or Pre-construction?

Originally Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006

I have been asked at times why it is that we chose to name the company Blue Coast Preconstruction as opposed to Blue Coast Pre-Construction. The question is asked because the "proper" way to write it is with the dash.

The decision was simple for two reasons:

1. If we used the Pre-Construction in the company name then we would have to use it in the the web address so it would be Can you image having to constantly tell people Blue Coast Pre Dash The domain is long enough as it is, this would have just further confused people, and confused people are not good customers.

2. The word Pre-Construction conveys that the Preconstruction portion of developing a project is somehow secondary to the actual construction. While this may seem to be true at first thought, experience teaches us that the preconstruction phase of a project is just as important as the actual construction phase, in that if the preconstruction phase were not successful the project would not be able to secure the best financing. So Preconstruction, far from being secondary to the contraction phase, is deserving of its own official non-hyphenated name.

We are currently in negotiations with Webster to have Preconstruction added to the dictionary....well not really but that would be cool.

Until next time visit for the most uptodateinfoonpreconstructionprojects ;-)

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