Thursday, December 28, 2006

Monday monday...funday

Originally Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006

What is it about Monday that makes everything so challenging week in and week out? Is it the layover from the weekend, the entire world just woke up from a nap feeling, the collective groginess that makes everyine grumpy, irritable and difficult to work with? Is it the challenge of the week ahead and the distance to the next "break". Even though these individual feelings may not be in everyone of us, the collective effect of the masses is enough to generally throw things into dismay.

The great thing about both selling and investing in real estate, is that the normal time constraints that affect everyday people going to and fro can be avoided almost entirely with the proper planning. It is one of the supreme draws of the real estate profession and real estate investment. The idea that property and its highest and best use can be a source of income and wealth for everyone involved in it.

The private ownership of property is one of the primary foundations of our American system of freedom. You cannot be truly free, it is said, unless you own the land you make your bed on. The trials and tribulations of a Monday in the Rat Race can be nothing but a memory once the great wealth machine of real estate is put into motion effectively, diligently and persistently. Oh well until I can kick my wealth machine into a slightly higher gear, I still need to hit the grind for Tuesday. Alas good night and invest in freedom!

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